Use of Force Briefing Packet
The KBI has prepared a briefing packet on the Use-of-Force project in coordination with local law enforcement and is making it available to those who have an interest in obtaining additional information or may have questions about the project. Please click on the button below to read Director Thompson's letter explaining the project and to access the packet documents through KCJIS.
COVID-19 Information for Kansas Law Enforcement
Click on the button below for the latest information on COVID-19 |
Alcohol Sales During COVID-19 Event UPDATED: April 23, 2020
On April 23, 2020, the Governor issued Executive Order No. 20-27, temporarily suspending certain rules relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages. The order expires May 31, 2020 or when the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation expires whichever is earlier.
Key Takeaways
The pertinent parts of the Governor’s Executive Order states: NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of Kansas, including the authority granted me by K.S.A. 48-924 and K.S.A. 48-925, in order to slow the spread of COVID-19 I hereby direct and order the following:
Clarification of terms.
The Following Information Was Released By ABC on April 13. The guidance in this ABC memorandum linked below is still proper guidance except the limitations to beer and wine in paragraph 3 do not apply under the Executive Order. The Department of Revenue, Alcohol Beverage Control has issued a memorandum to licensees explaining the limits of a temporary policy on the sale of alcoholic liquor delivered curbside at the point of sale. Download the memo at this link. The temporary policy in item #3 of the Department of Revenue, Alcohol Beverage Control memorandum refers to a change in law made in 2006 which allows a partial container of alcoholic liquor to be removed from the premises by the purchaser if the container is resealed by the seller and placed in a transparent tamper-proof bag. See the statute, KSA 41-2653 at this link for further requirements. The temporary rule allows the seller to use this method to include an alcoholic liquor purchase that is picked up curbside at the location of the licensed business. It DOES NOT allow delivery to another location nor does it alter any other statutory requirement or limitations to the sale or distribution of alcoholic liquor. Ed Klumpp Legislative Liaison [email protected] |
ABC Guides to Various Types of Licensees
These guides will be helpful to law enforcement in understanding common requirements of various licensees. ABC-899 Liquor Licensee Information Brochure |
The KACP is comprised of and represents law enforcement leaders from agencies of all sizes from throughout the state. The Association has developed and administers numerous member and community service programs as shown and described within this website.