KACP Buyers Guide
Amazon Smile Foundation
You can now support the Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police with qualifying purchases when you shop at smile.amazon.com on your web browser or when activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phone. When you are signed up with AmazonSmile and make a purchase, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchases price of eligible products to KACP.
This does not affect your Prime Orders!! Follow These Simple Steps: 1) Go to smile.amazon.com 2) Go to your account settings 3) Click "Change your Amazon Smile Charity" 4) Search for "Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police Incorporated" 5) Make sure that you add smile.amazon.com to your favorites to ensure your purchases help KACP. |
Amber Alert Program
This is a tremendous program designed to expedite the search for and return of abducted children through priority dedication of law enforcement, media and other community, state and federal resources. It is a voluntary partnership between law enforcement and broadcasters designed to activate an urgent bulletin in child-abduction cases. The goal of AMBER Alert is to instantly alert the entire community to assist in the immediate search for and safe return of abducted children. Since its introduction in Kansas, the KACP has been actively involved in this program through member agency commitments and financial support for Amber Alert training.
Visit the Kansas Amber Plan web site. |
Community Involvement EffortsAs part of the Association’s community involvement and public education efforts, the KACP sponsors the We Card program which educates store owners on the importance of checking the ID of young persons trying to purchase alcohol and cigarettes.
The KACP is also a supporting partner in the Project ChildSafe Program which is involved in public education regarding gun safety and the distribution of free gun-locks. The KACP and its members are involved in dedicated training and education aimed at drugs, gangs, safe schools, violent crimes, terrorism and traffic and seat belt safety. |
Torch Run for Special Olympics
Each year, nearly 1,000 officers in Kansas take part in the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics. An international program which actually began in Kansas, this program is comprised of officers carrying an Olympic-type torch, relay-style, across the state to the Special Olympics Summer Games in Wichita each June. In addition to direct annual contributions by KACP, more than $250,000 is raised each year for Kansas Special Olympics by KACP members and their officers involved in the Torch Run.
The KACP is comprised of and represents law enforcement leaders from agencies of all sizes from throughout the state. The Association has developed and administers numerous member and community service programs as shown and described within this website.